India Energy Week 2025 | 11 – 14 February

Energy demand in India is growing rapidly with major implications for the global energy market. The Government of India has made remarkable progress in providing access to electricity and clean cooking while implementing a range of energy market reforms and integrating a high share of renewable energy sources into the grid. India, with a population of 1.36 billion and a fast-growing economy, has seen its energy demand increasing rapidly as the country continues to urbanize and the manufacturing sector develops. India continues to develop the institutional framework needed to attract the investment required to satisfy this growing energy need. Electricity security has improved through the creation of one national power system and major investments in clean energy. India is now working on integrating higher shares of variable renewable energy into the energy mix. Statistics state, energy efficiency increases have enabled the avoidance of an additional 15% of energy demand and 300 MtCO2 emissions over the period 2000-2018.

The Government of India is continuing to focus on providing secure, affordable, and sustainable energy, while achieving its ambitious renewable energy targets and reducing local air pollution. “Panchamrit”, the five-point pledge encapsulates India’s strategy to balance its surging energy demand with a commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.

India Energy Week 2025 is being held from February 11 to 14 in New Delhi. Under the patronage of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, and jointly organized by the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI) and DMG Events, this international exhibition will convene the global energy industry to address the most pressing challenges facing the sector, offering an influential platform for collaborative dialogues among experts, policymakers, and industry leaders.

Clarke Energy’s offices in India are participating in the exhibition showcasing reliable low carbon and renewable power. We offer INNIO’s Jenbacher engine packaged generator sets and cogeneration and trigeneration units for power generation. Ranging in power from 250 kW to 10.6 MW, Jenbacher engines pave the way for the global transition to net zero by running on a broad range of energy sources, from pipeline gas, associated petroleum gas to hydrogen. These include other renewable gases such as biogas, biomethane, landfill gas, and sewage gas, as well as special gases such as syngas The offered solutions are applied in a variety of commercial, industrial, and municipal applications, particularly in industrial power generation, combined heat, and power (CHP)/cogeneration facilities, and renewable waste-to-energy projects..

In addition to pipeline fuelled gas engines for electricity generation, we also provide biogas upgrading solutions for anaerobic digestion installations for waste treatment. Study shows biomethane from wastes could provide for either 47% of India’s gross generated electricity or 91% of India’s road transport fuel demand. Less than 43% of this biomethane could supply the entirety of the country’s cooking fuel demand. The corresponding avoided GHG emissions from the displacement of fossil fuels and the prevention of crop residue field burning and municipal waste dumping are few million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. The avoided particulate emissions from crop residue burning prevention also an important factor to be considered.

The offered gas to energy power solutions and biogas upgrading plants are backed with unparalleled engineering and large-scale power project execution expertise from Clarke Energy coupled with innovative after-sales-service products aimed to deliver greatest total value to our customers and the most attractive economics over the entire life cycle.

Mark your calendars and get ready to be part of the industry’s most exciting event of the year! We look forward to seeing you in India Energy Week 2025, wherein you can learn more about our gas to power generation and biogas upgrading solutions – solutions that provide a crucial combination of reliability and flexibility making them an asset.


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