Feb 17, 2017 | Awards, Clarke Energy, News, UK News
Achilles is the accreditation scheme that utilities companies and our customers such as United Utilities, Thames Water, Severn Trent use. Clarke Energy passed 100% in almost every category. The category’s assessed were Health and Safety, Environmental, Quality and...
Jul 13, 2016 | Australia News, News
Clarke Energy’s Australian operations has recently become level 3 “Achilles” accredited. Level 3 ‘Achilles’ accredited means we are now a supplier member of Achilles FPS Oil and Gas Asia Pacific for the following products/services: Air/gas engines...
Mar 9, 2016 | Awards, Clarke Energy
Clarke Energy achieves International Safety Award for protecting its employees from the risk of injury and ill health at work. Clarke Energy has once more won an International Safety Award with Merit from the British Safety Council in recognition of its commitment...
Jul 3, 2015 | Agricultural, Anaerobic Digestion, Awards, Biogas, Clarke Energy, Food Waste, News, Sewage Gas, UK News
Clarke Energy win’s best maintenance team at ADBA Awards Clarke Energy short-listed for best engineering team and best installation and commissioning team awards Key projects Clarke Energy has supported for customers Agrigen, Biogen and Agrivert receive further...
Nov 19, 2014 | Australia, Australia News, Clarke Energy, News
Clarke Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd achieves IMS Accreditation. Over the past 18 months, Clarke Energy’s Australian operations set itself the objective to develop an Integrated Management System (IMS) for quality, environment and safety systems by October, 2014....