May 9, 2024 | Clarke Energy, Gas Engines, Greenhouse CHP, News, Renewable Energy
The recent solar eclipse in the United States highlighted a unique challenge for the country’s power generation network, particularly due to significant reliance on solar energy. The eclipse caused a noticeable reduction in sunlight, impacting solar power generation....
Apr 10, 2024 | Biogas, Clarke Energy, Gas Engines, News
As our electricity grids transition to net zero carbon, and with a proliferation of intermittent wind and solar energy, electricity networks around the world are being strained. This is coupled with closure of centralised coal, gas and nuclear power stations. Further...
May 20, 2020 | Case Study, Natural Gas, Peaking Station Case Sudies, UK Case Studies
Bancroft Generation Limited is Clarke Energy’s third project contracted by Forsa Energy to engineer, design and build 130MWe of peaking power the UK. Bancroft Generation 20MWe peaking plant is designed to provide electricity to the National Grid at...
Apr 28, 2020 | Case Study, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Peaking Station Case Sudies, UK Case Studies
Forsa Energy develop, build and operate energy assets across Europe with a mandate to grow a portfolio of renewable power generation and gas generation projects. Forsa Energy’s UK operations contracted Clarke Energy to act as principal contractors to design and build...
Sep 10, 2019 | Clarke Energy, Gas Engines, Safety, UK News
Clarke Energy has passed the first Energy Networks Association (ENA) G99 test of two Jenbacher 624 engines, recently installed at AGR’s Caswell Peak Power generating facility in Stevenage. This installation is a peaking station able to generate 9MW of electricity with...