Jun 14, 2023 | Clarke Energy Events, Events - UK
Clarke Energy will be exhibiting at Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation (UHEI) London on 5th July 2023 at the Stamford Bridge, Chelsea Football Club. UHEI London is the ideal place for estate management professionals to get the latest policy updates...
Jan 25, 2023 | Clarke Energy Events, Events - USA, University
Clarke Energy will be exhibiting at Campus Energy 2023 on February 27- March 2 taking place at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, Grapevine, Texas. The International District Energy Association’s Campus Energy event includes more than 1100 district energy...
Sep 28, 2022 | CHP / Cogeneration, Cogeneration, News, UK News
Decentralised energy technologies provide a clear route to improving the UK’s energy security and delivering national net zero aspirations, said Keir Starmer during a visit to the University of Liverpool earlier this week. During the Labour Party Conference, the...
Jan 10, 2020 | Past Events
Clarke Energy are to host a Chemicals North West event at the University of Liverpool Energy Centre on Thursday 13th February 2020. The event aims to educate industrial manufacturers about energy matters affecting the market today and tomorrow. Clarke Energy installed...
Jul 1, 2019 | Events - UK, Hospitals, Past Events, University
Clarke Energy will be exhibiting at Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation London on 4th July 2019 at Stamford Bridge. UHEI works in partnership with the further education and healthcare sectors to develop a compelling agenda and a unique forum that...