Mar 3, 2014 | Events - UK, Generation, Hospitals
The Healthcare Estates event is organised by the Institute of Healthcare Engineering & Estates Management (IHEEM) and will be the place for Estate Managers, Directors and Facility Managers to network with industry colleagues, regarding the latest healthcare...
Feb 28, 2014 | CHP / Cogeneration, Cogeneration, Hospitals, Natural Gas, Past Events
The 6th bi-annual conference of the Northern Ireland Branch of IHEEM (Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management) will be held the 21 – 22 of May at the Slieve Donard Resort & Spa in Ireland. The Healthcare Estates event is the place for Estate...
Oct 4, 2012 | Events - UK, Past Events
Clarke Energy is pleased to be exhibiting with GE at the IHEEM Healthcare Estates Conference and Exhibition 2012. The event will be taking place at the Manchester Central Convention Complex. The IHEEM Annual Conference is the UK’s key meeting place for estates...