Jun 27, 2024 | Clarke Energy, News, Safety, UK News
At Clarke Energy, we recognise that health and safety is crucial to our operations, particularly in the energy and engineering industry where risks are inherent. At our headquarters in the UK, we recently marked the fourth annual Global Safety Week, held from the 10th...
Mar 1, 2024 | Clarke Energy, News, Nigeria, Nigeria News, Safety, UK News, Western Africa News
We’re thrilled to announce that our facilities in the UK, Ireland, and South Africa have been recertified for ISO 14001 and 45001, demonstrating our commitment to health, safety and sustainable practices. Additionally, these regions, alongside Nigeria, have been...
Nov 22, 2023 | Australia, Australia News, Awards, New Zealand News
Clarke Energy Australia recently attended the South Australian Premier’s Awards for Energy and Mining as a 2023 finalist in the Safety and Wellbeing – Health and Safety category; displaying its exemplary commitment to fostering a safer and more conscientious future...
Jun 19, 2023 | News, Safety, UK News
Clarke Energy UK participated in their third Global Safety Week (5th -9th June 2023). Facilitated by the Knowsley QUENSH Team, this was a business wide initiative with activities based at the Knowsley Site – and including our Operational Engineering colleagues. Such...
May 5, 2023 | Ireland News, News, Safety, Service, UK News
The start of May marked the official start point of the UK & Ireland Clarke Energy Field Service 7S Programme, which will ensure all our contracted sites reach even higher levels of safety, cleanliness, continuous improvement, and operational efficiency. Driven by...