Jul 22, 2015 | Agricultural, Algeria News, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Botswana News, Cameroon, Cameroon News, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Coal Gas, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, Diesel Engines, Eastern Africa News, Electricity generation, Food Waste, Gas Engines, Generation, Industrial, Morocco, Morocco News, Mozambique News, Natural Gas, Natural Gas News, News, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Quadgeneration, Renewable Energy, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Tri-generation (CHPC) / quad -generation, Tunisia, Tunisia News, Western Africa News
With the focus on ensuring stable supplies of power in many African countries, the benefits maximising fuel efficiency are often overlooked. Fuel costs have increased over recent decades, and the need to maximise scare resources means cogeneration or combined heat and...