CoEnergy America CHP Units <500kW

Clarke Energy assemble the CoEnergy America packaged combined heat and power (CHP) systems and specialize in the design, manufacture, start up, installation and maintenance of 35kW to 1MW units. Since 1998, over 75 CoEnergy units have been designed and installed at schools, hotels, apartment buildings, greenhouses, healthcare facilities and other commercial and industrial properties totaling 15MW of continuous power. CoEnergy CHP units are also providing flexible power as part of microgrid applications.

CoEnergy CHP units are the result of years of design, fine tuning, development and testing and are assembled in our containerization facilities in Massachusetts. Clarke Energy can provide a complete turnkey system designed specifically for each individual site using top of the line components, including reliable industrial engines, heat recovery systems, latest controls to allow seamless operation, remote monitoring and complete metering packages for billing and utility / state rebate progams.

Options and Sizing

CoEnergy America CHP units range from 35kW up to 1MW in electrical output. The system works in tandem with the electrical utility power grid and generally provides 50% or more of your electrical requirements. The balance continues to be provided by your local utility. The heat by-product is recovered through a highly efficient process, and can be used for domestic hot water, space heating, cooling, and other industrial processes.

Specifications & Systems

CoEnergy America manufacture the following units:

35 kW | 80 kW | 150 kW | 280 kW | 550 kW

(Packages can be combined and configured up to 1 MW)

What is CHP / Cogeneration?

Combined heat and power is the process of generating electricity also generating and recovering heat. In traditional power plants that heat is treated as a byproduct and allowed to go to waste. On-site CHP systems are much more efficient. They generate electricity and capture the heat, using it as a source for hot water, heating and cooling.

What is CCHP / Trigeneration?

Trigeneration is where CHP engines also incorporate absorption chilling technology. CoEnergy America’s CHP units can also produce cooling as an addition to electrical and thermal energy. Improved system efficiency and additional financial savings can be realized for application’s that have a cooling demand.


CoEnergy CHP units are available in a wide range of configurations tailored to your applications including:

– Assisted living
– Commercial
– Food and beverage
– Greenhouses
– Gyms
– Healthcare
– Hotels
– Industrial
– Multi-unit housing
– Schools and universities
– Microgrids


– Reduced utility spend
– Reliable on-site local power
– Back-up power capability
– Improved power quality
– Highly efficient energy production
– Strong return on investment
– Typically 2-5 year payback
– Fueled by clean natural gas / biogas
– Reduced carbon emissions
– Qualifies as an Alternative Energy Solution for state and utility rebates

CoEnergy America Case Studies

Any Further Questions?

If you have any technical questions that need answering, would like to arrange to speak to a sales advisor or book a feasibility study.