Third Jenbacher Type-6 Engine Installed at Romanian Sewage Plant

Clarke Energy’s service team in Romania are continuing to safely to support our customers operations during difficult times.

Installation of a third Jenbacher engine and alternator has been completed for a customer at their sewage station near Bucharest. Works on the mechanical and electrical elements of the project are currently in progress.

Our service technicians are working to install the auxiliary equipment ready for August, when the third INNIO Jenbacher J616 engine will be commissioned and put into operation

The new Jenbacher engine has been supplied to an existing customer who had previously installed two J616 engines in 2011. The additional engine will increase the plant’s power output capacity to 6.28MW.

Clarke Energy’s service teams across the world are working tirelessly to support essential services whilst maintaining strict social distancing measures.

Al treilea motor INNIO Jenbacher Clasa-6 instalat la o Staţie de Tratare a Apelor Uzate în Romania

Tehnicienii noştrii au început lucrările de montaj şi execuţie a unui motor INNIO Jenbacher J616 la staţia de tratare a apelor uzate, aflată în aproprierea Bucureştiului.

Noul motor a fost livrat unui client existent care a instalat alte două motoare J616 în anul 2011. Acesta a crescut capacitatea electrică instalată a centralei la 6.28 MW.

Echipele de service Clarke Energy din întreaga lume lucrează neobosit pentru a sprijini serviciile esenţiale, menținând în același timp măsuri stricte de distanțare socială.


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