Honeywell Flour Mills Power Plant, Nigeria

Honeywell Flour Mills' Generation Plant

Honeywell Flour Mills plc is a company located in Apapa, the port area of Lagos in Nigeria. Honeywell’s primary business is the production of good quality flour to be used for food. The company’s mission is to produce world-class products from world-class quality wheat. Initially Honeywell installed 4 x JMS 620 GS-NL high-efficiency gas engines to provide a stable source of reliable electricity for their operations. In 2011, due to increased power requirements a further JMS620 GS-NL was added to the fleet of generators.

Honeywell Generation Plant

  • Natural gas used for stable, base-load generation
  • 5 x JMS 620 GS-NL
  • Installation 2008, expansion 2011
  • Island-mode operation (isolated from Nigerian grid)
  • Engine room built by customer

External Links Honeywell Flour’s Website


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