Net-Zero Webinars

‘Pathway to Net-Zero: Biogas AD Green Gas and Hybrid Power Solutions’ hosted by the Food and Drink Federation.


‘The changing energy mix: decarbonise your energy and save money now’ hosted by the Food and Drink Federation.


Heat and Decentralised Energy 2020 – The UK’s Evolving Energy Mix – hosted by the ADE and in conjunction with INNIO Jenbacher and Sterling Pharma Solutions


Embedded Gas Engine Generation – Enabling Green – hosted by Data Centres Ireland


‘Selecting the right onsite generation for a decarbonising grid’ in conjunction with INNIO Jenbacher as part of Data Centre Dynamics – Towards Net-Zero event.

Aveți alte întrebări?

Dacă aveți întrebări tehnice care necesită răspuns, putem să organizăm o întrevedere cu un consultant în vânzări sau să programăm un studiu de fezabilitate.