apr. 26, 2024 | Case Study, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Natural Gas, Peaking Station Case Sudies, Romania
Se așteaptă ca sectorul energetic al României să se bazeze în viitorul apropiat, mai mult pe hidroenergie, energie eoliană și solară. Aceste surse de energie regenerabilă pot fi imprevizibile din cauza unor factori precum vântul, lumina soarelui sau seceta. Acest...
apr. 25, 2024 | Clarke Energy, Events – India, Gas Engines, Hydrogen, India, India News, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, News
To foster knowledge exchange regarding gas-to-energy power solutions utilising INNIO Jenbacher gas engine technology for both continuous base load and standby duty, Clarke Energy’s offices in India hosted a “Gas to Energy Power Solutions” Workshop on April 10, 2024 at...
apr. 10, 2024 | Biogas, Clarke Energy, Gas Engines, News
As our electricity grids transition to net zero carbon, and with a proliferation of intermittent wind and solar energy, electricity networks around the world are being strained. This is coupled with closure of centralised coal, gas and nuclear power stations. Further...
mart. 5, 2024 | Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, News, Romania, Romania News
Odată cu finalizarea punerii în funcțiune a primei Faze a proiectului de la Racari, Romania, Centrala de Echilibrare Navios Flexible Generation, suntem încântați să anunțăm că Faza 2 este acum în plina desfășurare, în oglinda cu Faza 1, care este acum in testele...
nov. 3, 2023 | Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Northern Africa Case Studies, Tunisia, Tunisia Case Studies
Pâtes Warda is a subsidiary of the Rose Blanche Group, one of Tunisia’s leading agrifood organisations, involved in the selection, transformation, and marketing of wheat and its derivatives, as well as animal food products. The group operates across 17...
sept. 28, 2023 | Australia, Australia News, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, News
Mining company Mineral Resources Limited (MinRes) has chosen Clarke Energy as its preferred partner for a second time, having reached agreement on a new 26.9 MW power station for its Onslow Iron project now under construction. Key to the project will be the Ken’s Bore...