iun. 23, 2021 | Clarke Energy, Hospitals, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Maintenance, News, Safety, Service, Spare Parts, UK News
Clarke Energy’s service team have recently completed the scheduled 60,000 hour overhaul of an INNIO Jenbacher engine installed at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London. The Jenbacher Type-4 engine, originally commissioned by Clarke Energy in 2015, is unusually...
iun. 3, 2021 | Australia, Australia News, Biogas, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, New Zealand, New Zealand News, Sewage Gas
Sydney Water has plugged in additional expertise and cogeneration power from Clarke Energy and D4C, contracting a further two INNIO Jenbacher J420, 1.5MW biogas to energy generating sets for their Malabar Wastewater Treatment Plant. The additional two gensets take...
apr. 8, 2021 | Jenbacher studii de caz, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Northern African News, Tunisia, Tunisia Case Studies
CSM GIAS cogeneration facility will generate 1.2 MWe with an overall energy efficiency of 80% Electricity production has been operational since Q4 2020 The project guarantees savings of 55% on the plant’s energy bill After the previous success of the...
mart. 9, 2021 | Agricultural, Biogas, Case Study, CHP | Cogeneration, France, France Case Studies, Jenbacher studii de caz, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines
In September 2015, 4 farms located in the Southern High Marned came together to operate a collective agricultural methanisation unit in Chalancey. Together, they combined to create the company SAS CMV Biogas. Nicolas LORIMIER and its associates then successfully...
nov. 9, 2020 | CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Industrial, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Service, Tunisia, Tunisia News
Tunisia, Tunis, November 9, 2020, Slama Frères, part of the Slama Group is based in the in the governorate of Manouba. The group was the first industrial company in Tunisia to opt for a cogeneration energy solution using INNIO Jenbacher gas engines. Slama Frères’...
aug. 17, 2020 | Case Study, CHP / Cogeneration, CHP | Cogeneration, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Renewable Case Studies, Renewable Energy, Sewage Gas, USA Case Studies
The Grand Rapids Environmental Services Department operates the water resource recovery facility to keep all untreated sewage out of the Grand River in Michigan. The plant collects and treats an average of 40 million gallons of wastewater a day, using state-of-the-art...