In engleza: Clarke Energy Engineers in Australia Gain CPEng Chartered Engineer Status

Congratulations to Clarke Energy engineers Scott Scholz and David Baulderstone who recently completed the process to achieve Chartered Engineer status (CPEng).

Once completed, the chartered process, which is administrated by Engineers Australia recognises Scott & David’s professional competencies. Aside from a measure of technical expertise, individuals with CPEng must demonstrate ethics that are aligned with the benchmark.

“It helped me to understand my area of experience and strengths as well as weaknesses” David commented, reflecting on the process to achieve CPEng “I am a better Engineer as a result”.

„I now see how being chartered benefits individuals and organisations alike. Clarke Energy have an excellent relationship with Engineers Australia and we continue to support our engineering staff through the CPEng process.” Scott Scholz commented.

The CPEng certification is becoming a pre-requisite for design approval in several regions of Australia.

Clarke Energy have an ongoing initiative to train and up-skill their staff ensuring that a ‘best practice’ approach to safety and quality is adopted throughout the business.

Scott Scholz and David Baulderstone have achieve Chartered Engineer status in Australia

Scott Scholz and David Baulderstone have achieve Chartered Engineer status in Australia


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