In engleza: Techniki Bioenergiaki Kritis Biogas Plant

Designed by SYCHEM S.A., the project of Techniki Bioenergeiaki Kritis is a cogeneration plant located in the Industrial Area of Heraklion, Crete. The main purpose of this biogas application is the production of electrical energy, which is sold to the Public Power Corporation.

The plant utilises one Jenbacher JMS 312 GS-B.L v.D25 cogeneration unit, fueled with biogas which is produced at the anaerobic digester. The thermal energy produced from the CHP unit is used for heating the digester.

The Plant will treat 35.000 tonnes of organic waste annually from slaughter houses, livestock and poultry factories, expired food from super markets, food shops, waste from restaurants and hotels, e.t.c to produce biogas and electricity and thus, protecting Cretan environment.

The biogas plant was entirely designed and constructed by SYCHEM Group, applying cutting-edge technology at the most critical points of production process such as the collection and management of the incoming organic waste, the deodorization system, heat recovery and the innovative waste water system for the digestate effluent treatment.

Project:  Techniki Bioenergiaki Kritis
Fuel used:  Biogas
Location:  Nea Alikarnassos, Heraclion
Unit type:  JMS 312 GS-B.L v.D25
Total Power:  635 kW

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