Tamar Energy’s Basingstoke Biogas CHP Plant

Tamar Energy’s Basingstoke anaerobic digestion (AD) facility is located in Hampshire. It was commissioned in 2013. The AD plant converts food waste into biogas. This renewable fuel generated is used on-site (power and heat) and the electricity is exported to the national grid, reducing carbon emissions while improving the environment.

The Basingstoke site is one of Tamar Energy’s three operational sites.  The company has two more facilities in construction and a pipeline of development projects. The three operational facilities have a combined capacity of 6MWe.  The Basingstoke facility was the first one to be commissioned and started generating electricity in 2013.

Clarke Energy supplied one GE’s Jenbacher JGMC420 engine that works in a combined heat and power configuration (CHP), using the excess heat created during the generation of electricity, to heat the on-site anaerobic digesters. The site processes 40,000 tons of food waste a year, generating 1.5MWe. This is the equivalent of powering over 3,000 typical UK homes.

Tamar Energy was established in 2012 and is the UK’s leading AD developer. Its national network of AD plants creates renewable energy from three main sources of feedstock being municipal waste, waste from industrial and commercial companies, and organic waste from the food processing industry or agricultural sources.

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