The Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company’s Power Plant, Bagco

Bagco Generator RoomBagco’s Gas Engine Power Plant

The Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company (Bagco) manufactures polypropylene woven sacks and polyethylene bags.
The Bagco site at Iganmu required a reliable power plant for the base-load electrical demand. The company opted to use natural gas in GE Jenbacher gas engines.

Clarke Energy supplied the generating sets, 4 x GE Jenbacher JGS612GS-NL, each rated at 1.8MWe, and provided design and installation support to the site engineering staff prior to successful commissioning.

The sets have been providing reliable, around the clock power at the site since being commissioned in Feb/March 2006.

Following the successful commissioning and operation of these generating sets, Bagco have subsequently ordered a fifth set to provide additional power at the site.

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