En anglais: Renewable Energy India Expo 2022 | September 28-30 | India Expo Centre


Clarke Energy will be exhibiting at Renewable Energy India Expo 2022 taking place on September 28-30 at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, State of Uttar Pradesh, India.

Renewable Energy India Expo popularly known as REI offers an all-inclusive platform to domestic and international manufacturers, traders, buyers, and professionals from across the renewable energy domain. REI is recognized as Asia’s Leading b2b expo focusing on Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bioenergy, Energy Storage, and Electric vehicle charging infra.

Clarke Energy specialize in the engineering, installation, and maintenance of RNG and biogas combined heat and power (CHP) solutions. Our flexible energy solutions with biogas can be delivered as part of a larger microgrid system alongside other renewable and energy storage technologies.

Visit Clarke Energy at Renewable Energy India Expo2022 (Hall 15, Bio-energy Pavilion 2, Booth / Stall No. BEP 23) to discuss the benefits of biogas-fuelled flexible energy solutions.

RNG / Biogas Upgrading Benefits

–Purification of biogas to pipeline injection, compression, or transportation quality.
–Membrane separation.
–Substitute or parallel technology to gas engines.

Biogas CHP Benefits 

– Renewable power generated through treatment of waste materials.
– Base-load renewable energy electric and heat.
– Improved efficiency and reduced emissions.
– Disposable of problematic wastes.

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