The Sustainable Future of Industrial Energy Event – The University of Liverpool
Clarke Energy are to host a Chemicals North West event at the University of Liverpool Energy Centre on Thursday 13th February 2020. The event aims to educate industrial manufacturers about energy matters affecting the market today and tomorrow.
Clarke Energy installed a 3.4MW combined heat and power (CHP) at the University of Liverpool installed back in 2009, providing baseload electricity along with heat for the whole of the university campus. Clarke Energy has installed many similar projects throughout the chemical manufacturing sectors utilising heat for process, cooling and CO2 recovery.
Peter Birch, the University of Liverpool Engineering Services Manager will present:
* Sustainable and resilient buildings utilising CHP
* Emissions
* Costs savings Adam Wray- Summerson, Project and Market Development Manager, Clarke Energy will present:
* Resilient and sustainable infrastructure
* Reduced energy costs utilising CHP
* The future of power generation for industrial manufacturing, challenges & hybrid power solutions
* The future hydrogen grid – what this means for businesses and CHP
Further speakers are to be confirmed.
Presentations will be followed by a tour of the University of Liverpool’s Energy Centre.
There are still places available at the event which is free for Chemical North West members – book here