En Anglais: Daandine Power Station Overhaul

DSCN8923In 2006, Clarke Energy completed the design and installation of the Daandine Power Station, located at Kogan, west of Brisbane in Queensland. The site, which is operated by Clarke Energy staff, is powered by coal seam gas produced from Arrow Energy’s nearby Daandine gas field. The electricity generated is exported into the Southern Queensland grid network and has a gross installed capacity of 33.5MWe comprising of eleven of GE’s Jenbacher JGS 620 GS-N.L reciprocating gas engine generators.

In 2015 Clarke Energy’s Australian operations were given the task of completing its first major overhaul for this site, with 10 of the 11 units reaching 60,000 hours of service. Key to the project success was the need to complete the work, whilst ensuring the electricity supply requirements for the region were met. It was also important that the project met the completion delivery date provided by our customers Arrow Energy and the APA Group.

IMG_2407To ensure all goals were met, the Clarke Energy team, was led by Gerry Schoder, Operations Coordinator. Gerry set about planning the details of logistics, delivery timelines, selection of team members with appropriate skill sets, work processes and details of key milestone expectations for all involved in the project. The detail within the planning process and the involvement of all key members within the team was key to the project’s success.

The 60,000 hour overhauls were accomplished by replacing each of the existing ten engines with rebuilt, service exchange ‘shortblock’ engines.  Other peripheral engine items such as alternators, turbo-chargers and intercoolers were replaced or overhauled concurrently. Clarke Energy configured the project program so, that of the eleven engines installed, there was only one engine out of service at any-one time. This ensured the requirement of no shortfall in power generation during the period the work was implemented. Understanding the importance of this request from our customer, the team decided to utilise Clarke Energy ‘swing’ equipment including alternators and intercoolers, enabling us to complete each gas engine overhaul within the agreed time frames. In fact, this meant that the overhaul of each gas engine generator was completed faster than GE’s original equipment manufacturer service schedule recommendation (35 days ahead of schedule), enabling considerable up-time generation for our customers.

Daandine ServiceRegular communication was provided to Paul Wheeldon, Commercial Manager Investments – APA Group. On completion of the project Paul summarised things from his perspective;

“Clarke Energy’s staff were in regular contact with us – providing monthly updates. Throughout the project supply was never interrupted and it was pleasing to have the project completed on time and to scope. »

Safety is placed with high priority focus at Clarke Energy, with a lot of investment and training put in to ensuring the health and welfare of our staff and customers. This project totalled more than 4,500 labour hours and was completed by Clarke Energy with zero ‘Lost Time Injuries’ and zero ‘Missed Time Injuries’. This result also confirms Clarke Energy’s approach to an I.I.F. (Incident & Injury Free) workplace is very evident in all areas of work carried out by staff.

Greg Columbus, Managing Director for Clarke Energy’s Australian and New Zealand operations commented,

“Our team of operators, technicians and schedulers have worked closely with the customer in an open and collaborative manner, which we believe was key to completing this equipment overhaul project safely, on time and on budget. We look forward to seeing this asset deliver another decade of reliable performance for our customer, APT”.

DSCN9564Looking back at the project over the 6 month period, the ability to deliver a quality result, on time and within budget, was testimony to the capabilities of a variety of people within Clarke Energy who contributed to the project. That all said, customer satisfaction and response is the most important testimony as to whether we deliver on our promises, so final word goes to Gordon Buck – Commercial Manager, Infrastructure & Strategy – Arrow Energy.

“Having visited the site, it is evident that the work was managed and delivered very professionally. Arrow Energy was able to continue providing services to our customers during this major overhaul because Clarke Energy delivered the project, as promised.”

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