Dec 15, 2018 | Case Study, CoEnergy America, USA Case Studies
Overview Covenant Health Systems has installed multiple Co-Energy CHP systems at their assisted living facilities. Sites range in size from 60kW, 85kW to 150kW units. In 2015, when Covenant was looking to expand their eco-friendly and energy saving efforts at St....
Dec 15, 2018 | CoEnergy America, USA Case Studies
Overview Having already experienced the benefits of two Co-Energy CHP units, in 2015 MCPHS continued searching for energy efficiency improvements in their academic and dormitory buildings. MCPHS chose to partner once again with Co-Energy America to develop a CHP...
Dec 15, 2017 | Case Study, CoEnergy America, USA Case Studies
Overview Co-Energy America has worked with the Cape Codder on multiple occasions to develop clean energy solutions. The resort runs two Co-Energy CHP units 24/7 in order to alleviate their large consumption of hot water and electricity. According to the resort, the...
Dec 15, 2016 | Case Study, CoEnergy America, Cogeneration, USA Case Studies
Overview The Pine Street shelter in Boston’s South End has significant hot water needs for the showers, dishwashing and laundry. After thoroughly assessing the loads of the building, Co-Energy America installed a turnkey Amerigen 85 kW CHP system. The Pine Street Inn...
Dec 15, 2015 | Case Study, CoEnergy America, USA Case Studies
Overview As DHAC’s business has grown over the years, the property has needed multiple renovations and expansions, and recently through a comprehensive energy efficiency project, the old boilers were replaced and a CHP system was installed. An Amerigen 8150 CHP was...