Jul 23, 2024 | Biogas, Biogas Upgrading, Biogas Upgrading Case Studies, Case Study, France Case Studies
MD Biogaz, a pioneer in the production of green gas in the Grand Est region of France, has inaugurated its biogenic CO2 liquefaction unit which recovers biogenic CO2 from biogas. The inauguration of ‘MD CO2‘ took place at their methanisation site in Bar-sur-Seine in...
Nov 15, 2022 | Case Study, France, France Case Studies, Hydrogen
Furnace gas power plant supported by Enova’s Industrial Pilot Program Recovery and utilisation of furnace gas from ferromanganese processing plant (previously flared) Supporting Eramet’s CSR strategy to reduce CO2 emissions of outgoing products by 25% per ton by 2023...
Oct 11, 2022 | France, France Case Studies
Amiens Energies is the public service delegate for the distribution and production of heat for the city of Amiens. Its purpose is to meet the heating and domestic hot water needs in Amiens. Amiens Energies wanted to extend and interconnect its heating network by...