In engleza: Expertise in EPC – Hartmoor 50MW Peaking Plant

The recent T-4 Capacity Market auction results in the UK have highlighted the demand for flexible gas engine peaking power plants and energy storage systems. Clarke Energy has successfully delivered multiple-hundreds of megawatts to this sector with the back up of reliable aftersales support.

Earlier last year Clarke Energy completed the full EPC delivery of a 50MW peaking power plant in Hartlepool. The Hartmoor Generation plant was Clarke Energy’s latest turnkey project with Forsa Energy to engineer, design and build peaking power generation in the UK.

View a video of the full turnkey project delivered by Clarke Energy below.


Clarke Energy can act as a reliable single point of contact for EPC power project delivery with a proven track record. Our low carbon, hybrid and flexible energy solutions are backed by a strong balance sheet.

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