In engleza: Clarke Energy and Jenbacher Increasing New Zealand’s Green Energy Using Biogas

Clarke Energy was recently involved in a project supplying EnviroWaste Services Limited with a fourth Jenbacher biogas engine, the Jenbacher J320.

The installation of the fourth engine allows EnviroWaste to increase the utilisation of the biogas that is generated within the Hampton PARRC landfill. This reduces the carbon footprint and increases green energy supply across New Zealand’s power grid.

EnviroWaste Services is a leading New Zealand based sustainable resource and waste recovery management company. Hampton PARRC (Power & Resource Recovery Centre) is located just south of Auckland, in the North Waikato and services a wide area from Auckland to the Bay of Plenty and Waikato.

The landfill facility operates a modern biogas to electricity operation, home to a gas processing plant and six other containerised biogas engines. Each biogas engine generates approximately one megawatt of electricity.

The project involved bringing in a new Jenbacher J320 engine. This engine was chosen for its:

  • High electrical and thermal efficiency
  • Reliable, robust and flexible design
  • Supercharger ensuring correct mixture at low pressures and two-stage cooling
  • High-performance and long-life spark plugs
  • LEANOX® lean burn control to reduce emissions
  • C­ompact construction allowing installation in a 40-foot container

Harvesting biogas requires a complex systems of gas wells and connecting pipework back to the gas processing plant, drawing gas under vacuum from the landfill through a series of blowers. From here the gas is dried, reheated and processed to remove contaminants before being fed to the Jenbacher engine.

The total operation has the potential to produce seven megawatts of electricity, enough to meet the electricity demands of approximately 5,600 New Zealand households.

In addition to this fourth Jenbacher engine Clarke Energy will be supplying EnviroWaste Services with two more Jenbacher J320 engines within the next 12 months.

Keep up to date with further Clarke Energy projects on our news page.

Learn more about Jenbacher here.

Clarke Energy, a KOHLER Company, is a multi-award-winning global business specialising in the engineering, installation and maintenance of distributed power generation solutions. Clarke Energy provides distributed power plant solutions with market leading engineering, installation and maintenance support.


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