In engleza: Clarke Energy Demonstrates its Commitment to the Environment on Earth Day 2022.

Earth Day is observed each year on 22 April to recognise support for environmental protection. Earth Day celebrations have been occurring since 1970; every year over one billion people focus on challenging environmental issues on this day.

The official theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in our Planet”.

Clarke Energy recognises Earth Day’s importance and the need to protect the planet and reduce pollution. One of our main values is “accountability”, Clarke Energy remains accountable to preserving the environment and creating a greener future through its internal programs.

Aligning with our values, Clarke Energy strives to be a leader in environmental standards and continually reduce the environmental footprint of both ourselves and our project partners.

We currently demonstrate our commitment to the environment by:

  • Separating all waste into wood, metals, plastics and general waste. This maximises collection and reuse of recyclable materials.
  • Separating and storing waste oils, fuels and chemicals in separate containers. Clarke Energy contracts licensed disposal companies to remove these liquids and dispose of them responsibly.
  • All Clarke Energy warehouses use LED lighting, significantly reducing electricity use compared to halogen or incandescent lighting.
  • All Clarke Energy construction sites use environmentally responsible water management practices. All contaminated water is separated from storm water to avoid oil and other contaminants from damaging the environment. Contaminated water is disposed of responsibly through licenced disposal companies.
  • All contaminating or potentially contaminating spills are formally reported irrespective of quantity. All soil from the affected area is remediated if the contaminant penetrates the ground.
  • Clarke Energy stores all fuels and chemicals within a self-contained bunding to prevent any contamination of the surrounding ground.
  • All Clarke Energy sites have spill kits readily available in case of chemical spills. Employees are correctly trained in spill prevention, management and clean up.

These environmentally responsible management systems can be seen in action at Owen Springs power station, constructed by Clarke Energy in 2016-2017. Built just outside of Alice Springs, Owen springs power station is nestled amongst the beautifully protected bushland in the Northern Territory and was constructed with environmental impact and conservation in mind.

Michael Cassidy, QUENSHT Manager with Clarke Energy says:
“Clarke Energy has a global reach with a local focus. Incorporating environmental management systems has enabled us as a global company to protect the local community’s environment we work within and prevent further damage. We focus on continuous improvement through our QUENSHT initiatives and we’re regularly looking for ways to reduce our environmental footprint by implementing new environmental management systems.”

Individuals can collectively make a difference with the following steps to be environmentally responsible:

  1. Turn off lights when not in use
  2. Purchase glass, paper and other recyclable products, instead of plastic
  3. Purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products
  4. Use re-useable water bottles
  5. Go pesticide free
  6. Use re-useable utensils, dishes and trays
  7. Compost
  8. Switch to online billing
  9. Purchase re-useable bags
  10. Pick up rubbish as you walk or run


Visit to view the activities scheduled on Earth Day 2022 and to find out more about how you can make a difference.

Keep up to date with Clarke Energy projects and further environmentally responsible initiatives on our news page.

Clarke Energy, a KOHLER Company, is a multi-award-winning global business specialising in the engineering, installation and maintenance of distributed power generation solutions. Clarke Energy provides distributed power plant solutions with market leading engineering, installation and maintenance support.


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