In engleza: 21MW Peaking Plant Delivered to Ashford Power, UK

Clarke Energy delivered a full turnkey, design and build 21MW electricity generating peaking plant, at Ashford Power, Kings North Industrial Estate, Kent. The plant was delivered within a 40-week period, on time and on budget.

The fully automated and unmanned site is monitored and controlled remotely, providing critical electricity to the National Grid at times of peak demand.

When not in operation, the 14 containerised engines wait on standby, prepared to be called upon and ramped up in less than 2 minutes. The engines and enclosures are designed to keep at optimal temperatures to ensure the fastest response times.

The engines are expected to run for between 1500 and 2000 hours per year, turning on when prices are high and off when prices are low. Clarke Energy’s national service coverage along with a site maintenance agreement, will ensure the project’s smooth running for the next 20 years.

Gas engines provide a proven and flexible power generation solution to the capacity market sector. The modular nature of gas engines along with the high efficiency of GE’s Jenbacher engine range are a natural fit with the market.



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