• Job Type:
    Full Time
  • Job Department:
  • Anywhere

Job Title: Facilities Coordinator
Function: General maintenance coordinator of facilities
Reporting to: QUENSH Department Manager~
Scope: Clarke Energy Ltd
Location: Knowsley
Job Purpose: To maintain the property to the required standard.
Majority of time spent: 60% Maintenance, 40% Administration
Substitution: QUENSH Department Manager


  • Coordinate all maintenance contracts (ensuring RAMS are evaluated and in-place).
  • Coordinate of Contractors during maintenance visits including cleaners, and site security.
  • To be a first point of contact when maintenance failures occur.
  • Ensure LEV testing is carried out.
  • Ensure PAT testing is carried out.
  • Ensure weekly Fire Alarm Testing is performed.
  • Fire Warden duties
  • Maintain onsite Fire Extinguisher

General Duties:

  • Communicate and implement maintenance defects.
  • Maintain offices, corridors and toilets etc. to the required standards including painting, decorating,
  • Perform minor repairs to plumbing , minor electrics, heating & cooling systems.
  • Weekly reading of building utility meters, (gas/electric).

Ensure that:

  • Car parks are clean and tidy and lighting is maintained.
  • All external areas, are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Including the buildings cladding and gutters/drain pipes
  • Landscaped areas are regularly maintained.
  • During the winter period, ensuring all carparks and pedestrian pathways are gritted and where practicable free from snow and ice.
  • Help in any other areas and undertake tasks as and when required.
  • Follow and adhere to Health, Safety, and Environmental standards and regulations at all times.

Technical/Professional Knowledge and Skills:

  • Basic experience in plumbing, electrics and decorating.
  • IT skills -knowledge of Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel and Outlook.

Personal Attributes/Skills:

This requires the job holder to demonstrate that they are:

  • Trustworthy and professional
  • Reliable and well organised
  • Hardworking
  • Excellent communications skills
  • Able to work independently and on own initiative.
  • Committed to producing a high standard of work.
  • Willing to take responsibility for their work
  • Keen to learn and willing to take advice.


  • Basic experience in plumbing, electrics, building heating & cooling systems.
  • IT skills – knowledge of Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel and Outlook.
  • Maintaining records


  • Experience of maintaining records and work schedules.
Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 10 MB.

Recruitment Agency?

Clarke Energy have a Preferred Supplier List which covers all recruitment within the UK and Ireland. We have no current plans to review our supplier list. If we are required to update or review our list, we will reach out to agencies directly. We would kindly ask for recruitment agencies to refrain from contacting Clarke Energy. If unsolicited CV’s are sent to Clarke Energy without agreed terms of business in place, we reserve the right to contact any potential candidates. Thank you for your co-operation.