En anglais: Sewage Gas-to-Power: Sustainable Energy Solution for South India’s Wastewater Plant

Sewage treatment is a significant user of energy. Operation of pumps, blowers, and other equipment at a typical sewage treatment plant per person an annual electrical energy consumption requirement is in the range of 12-19 KWh (Arceivala and Asolekar, 2006). Treatment plants reduce the quantity of bio-solids through an anaerobic treatment process.

Kodungaiyur sewage treatment plant (Zone II) was chosen as the target wastewater treatment plant for this synopsis sheet. The wastewater treatment capacity of this plant is 120,000 m3 per day. The plant located in Kodungaiyur; Chennai treats wastewater with the primary treatment. After removing large particles, impurities, and sand particles, the sludge is separated from the treated wastewater in a primary sedimentation tank. It is then sent to the sludge concentrating tank to reduce its water content and transferred to digesters for further treatment. In this stage the anaerobic digestion AD takes place to decompose the organic matters in the sludge and generate biogas. The produced biogas is then desulfurized and used as a fuel in INNIO’s Jenbacher gas engine, specifically designed for gas application for electricity generation.

Upon the completion of the competitive bidding process, Eco Protection Engineers Private Limited selected Clarke Energy as their Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor to offer a turnkey solution for the sewage gas to energy power project at Kodungaiyur WWTP. Clarke Energy supplied INNIO’s Jenbacher lean burn gas genset model 1 x JGS 416 GS BL, 415V, giving an output of 1.2MW while running in island / isolated mode of operation. The genset is effectively managing the current load fluctuations and adapting to the varying gas quality, which has been reported from 4000 to 5500 KCal/Nm³. This performance demonstrates the Jenbacher genset’s capability to maintain stability and efficiency under diverse operating conditions. Type 4 engines are characterized by high power density and outstanding efficiency.

Team Eco Protection Engineers Private Limited commented
“We at EPEPL have been offering engineering and EPC services in the field of water, wastewater, and solid waste management projects. With over 20 years of rich experience in the field, our company is delivering leading- edge projects within the stipulated time. For the Kodungaiyur sewage treatment plant (Zone II) project, we decided to implement the sewage gas to power solution using reliable and efficient Jenbacher gas engine as supplied by Clarke Energy’s offices in India. Clarke Energy is known to delivering quality power generation installations for over 27 years, backed up by reliable local after sales support. By harnessing sewage gas, which is a renewable energy, we’ve been able to reduce our reliance on conventional fossil fuel, contributing to a more sustainable energy mix. By generating electricity, making the plant self-sufficient energy wise, we’ve been able to reduce our operational costs, leading to financial savings over time. Key to the power plant’s success at Kodungaiyur sewage treatment plant (Zone II) is the high-power density offered by Jenbacher JGS 416 reciprocating gas engine alongside 24×7 operation and maintenance services being offered by Clarke Energy India.”

Overall, the Kodungaiyur sewage gas to power project represents a practical and eco-friendly solution for managing waste and producing energy, aligning with broader goals of sustainability and environmental protection. and INNIO as technology partner made this project a total success.

Key information
Project:  120 MLD Kodungaiyur Sewage Treatment Plant (Zone II)
Capacity:  1.2 MWe
Location: Chennai, India
Industry: Waste Water Treatment Plant
Application Captive Power
Installation by: Clarke Energy 
Engine Manufacturer INNIO Group Jenbacher
Engine Type: 1 x JGS 416
Fuel Type: Sewage gas 


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