Webinaire – Réglage de la norme pour la qualité de cogénération (enregistrement)

VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING HERE. Login to see our recent CHP webinar and gain an increased knowledge of quality CHP systems and their applications.

Clarke Energy, authorised distributer and service partner for GE Gas Engines in 10 territories, supported by the Combined Heat and Power Association  presented an informative and educational webinar on combined heat and power (CHP) systems and their applications. The webinar covered an array of key technical discussion points including:

• Feasibility analysis and design considerations
• Gas constituents, types and quality
• Emissions control
• Maintenance considerations and quality
• CHPA’s work on Quality Assurance for CHP.

David Burke (Clarke Energy, Service Director), Adam Wray-Summerson (Clarke Energy, Sales Engineer) and Ian Manders (Deputy Director, CHPA) will be delivering the presentation, with considerable industry experience and in-depth technical understanding of CHP plants. Ian will talk about CHPA’s work on Quality Assurance for CHP.

Adam Wray-Summerson, Sales Engineer and David Burke, Service Director worked jointly on high profile installations including The Shard, The National Gallery and Severn Trent.

Ian Manders is Deputy Director of the Combined Heat and Power Association and leads CHPA’s work on district heating with CHP and micro-CHP in domestic and commercial buildings.VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING HERE. Login to see our recent CHP webinar and gain an increased knowledge of quality CHP systems and their applications.

Clarke Energy, authorised distributer and service partner for GE Gas Engines in 10 territories, supported by the Combined Heat and Power Association  presented an informative and educational webinar on combined heat and power (CHP) systems and their applications. The webinar covered an array of key technical discussion points including:

• Feasibility analysis and design considerations
• Gas constituents, types and quality
• Emissions control
• Maintenance considerations and quality
• CHPA’s work on Quality Assurance for CHP.

David Burke (Clarke Energy, Service Director), Adam Wray-Summerson (Clarke Energy, Sales Engineer) and Ian Manders (Deputy Director, CHPA) will be delivering the presentation, with considerable industry experience and in-depth technical understanding of CHP plants. Ian will talk about CHPA’s work on Quality Assurance for CHP.

Adam Wray-Summerson, Sales Engineer and David Burke, Service Director worked jointly on high profile installations including The Shard, The National Gallery and Severn Trent.

Ian Manders is Deputy Director of the Combined Heat and Power Association and leads CHPA’s work on district heating with CHP and micro-CHP in domestic and commercial buildings.

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