Webinar | Gas CHP in the transition: Its role in supporting jobs and growth | Heat & Decentralised Energy 2021

Adam Wray-Summerson from Clarke Energy has taken part in a webinar on the topic of – Gas CHP in the transition: its role in supporting jobs and growth as part of the Heat & Decentralised Energy Conference 2021 organised by the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) and Energy Institute 

Watch the webinar in full below:


Gas CHP in the transition: Its role in supporting jobs and growth

Finance is increasingly moving towards sustainable energy projects and away from new gas. At the same time, the Government is focused on heat electrification for homes and offices this decade and hydrogen industrial clusters emerging by the start of next decade. The Government’s strategy for either the full decarbonisation of the power sector or the decarbonisation of I&C sites that fall in the middle of those two is however highly uncertain and unlikely to be resolved until the 2030s, if not the 2040s.

This session asked

  • What is the role of gas CHP as part of energy solutions moving forward in such an uncertain landscape?
  • Are we starting to see a divergence between the finance community and Government in the speed and direction of decarbonisation?
  • How do we continue to support the jobs and skills we need in the gas industry over the next few decades to create a managed transition to 2050?

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